HOUSTON – The City of Houston and the Mayor’s Office of Education and Youth Engagement has launched a campaign to educate Houston youth about emergency preparedness . The campaign was designed in partnership with the office’s youth leaders and includes a series of infographics, videos, and presentations, that feature accessible and inclusive language and graphics designed by youth, for youth.
In 2021, Understanding Houston reported that “58% of Greater Houston residents live in a census tract with medium-high vulnerability to negative effects of disasters.” Furthermore, the Mayor’s Office of Education and Youth Engagement created a pilot survey for teens, ages 13-18, to better understand their level of emergency preparedness. The survey responses also emphasized the need for emergency information targeted towards teens and increased access to emergency resources and contacts. The information collected also aided in the development of the campaign and creation of resources and tips about emergency and natural disaster topics including hurricane safety, how to prepare for a flood, and recovery assistance resources.
“In the last eight years, the City of Houston has faced seven federally declared disasters. With storms coming at greater intensity and frequency, we must make sure our communities are resilient and that includes preparing the young people residing in our city,” said Mayor Sylvester Turner.
“We’ve had a turbulent history–floods! hurricanes! – and some students don’t understand what to do, it’s scary, said a youth service provider. “A lot of students need to care for family, especially in underserved areas, and we need to know what they need in order to do that.”
On Tuesday, August 8, the Mayor’s Office of Education and Youth Engagement and the Houston CFCI youth leaders will host a virtual presentation on the information provided in the emergency preparedness campaign. Click here to RSVP.
The City of Houston Youth Emergency Preparation Campaign was developed in collaboration with the City of Houston’s Office of Emergency Management, Ready Harris, and the United Way. The Mayor’s Office of Education and Youth Engagement invites city and community partners to support the emergency preparedness campaign by circulating infographics in schools, community centers, social media, and after-school programs. Infographics can be found on their website.
“A special thanks to the Houston CFCI Youth Leaders who researched, gathered, and presented the emergency preparation information and will help disseminate the materials,” said Office of Education and Youth Engagement Director Olivera Jankovska. “Youth participation is imperative as the City of Houston seeks to develop a more resilient and equitable city and are uniquely positioned to reach underserved communities such as opportunity youth, non-English speakers, immigrant, and low-income populations.”
To get involved in local CFCI Houston efforts, sign up for the CFCI Houston newsletter . To connect to the Mayor’s Office of Education and Youth Engagement, please contact Mayor’s Office of Education Director Olivera Jankovska at moedu@houstontx.gov. |