Downtown Speed Limit to Be Reduced to 20 MPH
Downtown Speed Limit to Be Reduced to 20 MPH
New signage will be installed within 60 to 90 days.
Leesburg, VA (March 3, 2023) – On Tuesday, the Leesburg Town Council voted to reduce the speed limit in the downtown historic district area from 25 to 20 miles per hour. This change will become effective in approximately 60 to 90 days, allowing time for new signs to be ordered and installed.
Section § 46.2-1300 of the Code of Virginia allows a local governing body to reduce the speed limit to less than 25 MPH, but not less than 15 MPH in a business or residence district, when justified by an engineering study, is legally permissible, and appropriately signed. An engineering study was conducted to identify the areas within the core downtown area, inclusive of business and residential areas, where the state law allows for changes to the speed limit and to identify the operating speeds, pedestrian activity, and review of collision data. The Downtown Leesburg Speed Study, conducted by Wells and Associates, recommended reducing the speed limit to 20 MPH in the core of downtown Leesburg and to implement speed transition zones in streets surrounding the area. The Department of Public Works and Capital Projects, Leesburg Police Department, and the Residential Traffic Commission supported the change and agreed lower speeds should result in a decrease in both property damage and the severity of injuries in the event of collision. Town Council has also directed staff and the Residential Traffic Commission to evaluate and implement traffic calming measures on Loudoun and Market streets approaching and departing the proposed reduced speed limit area. |