
Etiqueta: Smartphone

The 10 best alternative news apps for iPhone, iPad and Android

We’re not in Fleet Street any more, Toto. Changing news habits haven’t killed off traditional newspapers just yet, but they have sparked new ways of finding and consuming news. Smartphones and tablets are central to this, with a glut of…

Apple Pay: what businesses need to consider before diving in

Apple Pay launched to mixed fanfare in the UK last week and both sides have, as expected, been debated to death. It’s easy to see why people are excited when the average US Apple Pay user has already shown themselves…

Drive like Bond, James Bond: Express tests the Land Rover smartphone car remote control

You can now take your Range Rover Sport for a spin, without opening the car door. Land Rover’s smart motor can be started, dropped into gear – and driven down the road using only a smartphone app. The technology spookily…

Text neck: how smartphones are damaging our spines

Are smartphones a pain in the neck? According to new research carried out by a US doctor, they are far worse – “text neck” is becoming an epidemic that could lead to permanent damage. The posture we adopt as we…